
Monday, June 12, 2017

Collection of Sketchnotes from CIPD NAP Conference 2017

Rachel Burnham writes: I was fortunate enough to participate in the CIPD NAP conference over the past weekend, 9-10th June 2017, in York.  This conference is organised annually by a team of volunteers from the northern branches of the CIPD and is one of the friendliest HR conferences around. 

The theme this year was ‘Enhancing the Employee Experience’ and a wide range of topics were explored under this heading from Emotion at work, through diversity & inclusion, to Personal Learning Networks and Apprenticeships.  

The highlight for me was the keynote given by Peter Cheese, CIPD’s CEO, who spoke passionately about the contribution of HR to organisations and society, in the context of the new Professional Standards that CIPD is currently in the process of developing.  I have heard Peter Cheese speak on many occasions, but I have never heard him speak so powerfully and movingly.  It made me proud to work in HR. 

Here are my Sketchnotes from this event, including Peter Cheese’s session.  

Rachel Burnham


Burnham L & D Consultancy helps L&D professionals update and refresh their skills.  I am particularly interested in blended learning, the use of digital skills for learning, evaluation and anything that improves the impact of learning on performance.