
About & Services

About Burnham L&D Ltd

I help individuals and organisations use drawing & Sketchnoting to think, learn and work better.   My work is grounded in L&D and OD practice gained over 30 years working in and with organisations as a consultant.

Here are five ways I can work with you:

Commission a Sketchnote - you could commission me to create a Sketchnote for you. Sketchnotes make use of a combination of words & simple pictures to make memorable notes. A number of clients have commissioned Sketchnotes of one-off special events and also for regular sessions to provide a visual record of the session - participants get to see the Sketchnote developing. Or you could get me to create a Sketchnote to communicate a particular message - in the past year I have created Sketchnotes to commemorate an organisational anniversary and to communicate a change in approach to wellbeing.

You could learn to Sketchnote - I offer regular virtual workshops providing an introduction to Sketchnoting.  I also offer these sessions in-house and have a version aimed particularly for students with a Sketchnoting for Studying focus. The sessions are practical and friendly.

Thirdly, I have developed over the last year the concept of 'Reflect & Sketch' sessions in which drawing is used as a tool to help participants to slow down and as a prompt to reflection. I have tailored these sessions to integrate with wider leadership development programmes, sessions focusing on innovation & creativity and sessions on inclusion & diversity.

Fourthly, I offer 'Relax & Draw' sessions which are short sessions based around drawing to encourage relaxation - each session has a theme which is often based around nature. Many clients have booked these sessions as part of a wider wellbeing offer.

And finally, I can be commissioned to create bespoke illustrations for learning materials, books and other uses.


My sessions involving drawing and Sketchnoting are all designed for people who are new to drawing, rather than artists and have a friendly, informal style.


Why not get in touch if any of these are of interest to you?


Photograph by Niall Gavin


I have over 25 years of experience in training and L&D.  This was gained initially working in voluntary organisations and more recently with a wide range of organisations from the private, public and voluntary sectors, during my 21 years as an independent L&D consultant.

I initially studied management at Aston University, before gaining a CIPD L7 Diploma in HR. I am the Chair of CIPD Manchester, which is the largest CIPD branch in the UK.  I am a Fellow of the Learning & Performance Institute.

My work has been published both by CIPD and the LPI.

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